Valerie Sparks
Australia Council for the Arts Residency
Valerie Sparks is a Melbourne based artist who creates large scale printed works and immersive installation environments. She is interested in the history and aesthetics of immersive environments, including frescos, glass houses, stereoscopic photographs, French scenic wallpapers from the 1800s and contemporary 3D light-based installations.
Valerie has exhibited extensively with a consistent practice and process of investigation. She has been the recipient of the French Embassy Cite Des Arts Studio in Paris, the City of Port Phillip Rupert Bunny Award, Australia Council New Work funding, and Arts Victoria International Program funding.
Australia Council for the Arts
Since 1992, the Australia Council for the Arts has partnered with Acme to provide London work/live residency opportunities for Australian visual artists. These residencies are located at Acme's Fire Station in Poplar, E14. Application and selection is undertaken directly by the Australia Council for the Arts.
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