Peter Johansson
Peter Johansson is a Swedish artist. He characterizes his artistic career as a thirty-year voyage of discovery investigating Swedish culture. In sculptures and installations, he has dissected such Swedish phenomena as wooden painted horses from Dalecarlia, Falukorv (a type of sausage from Falu), folk dancing and red timber cottages. Peter Johansson grew up in Dalekarlia during the 1960s and 1970s and, throughout his career, he has worked with the experiences that his upbringing has given him. Often treating these experiences from a tragicomic angle which seeks to distinguish the border between serious art and kitsch.
Peter's recent solo exhibitions include: National Therapy, Institute Suédois, Paris, France (2019); Klackarna i taket, Östergötlands länsmuseum, Link̈öping (2018); Snoa på sängkanten, Ahlbergshallen, Östersund (2018); Låt oss nu vara stilla och invänta ledning från ovan!, Norrtälje Konsthall, Norrtälje (2016); El Hombre Elastico – Min vän korven, Borås konstmuseum, Borås (2016); Kunglig Majestät Pluralis, Kulturhuset, Stockholm (2016); and Tjosan!, Udda Veckor, Moderna Museet, Stockholm (2003).
Iaspis, Sweden
Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Iaspis' activities aim to enable professionals to develop artistically and improve their working conditions by establishing international contacts between practitioners and professionals such as curators and critics and others active in the field.