J. Tobias Anderson
J. Tobias Anderson is a Swedish artist and filmmaker, working with found footage and animation. In his video works and animations, Anderson refers to film history and renowned classics, in particular the action and thriller sequences of Alfred Hitchcock. He is best known for the short films 879 (1998), My Name Is Grant (1999), 879 Colour (2002) and Prairie Stop, Highway 41 (2004) - all referring to works by Alfred Hitchcock.
Recent screenings and exhibitions include: Time Line (with Beatrice Crastini, curated by Robert Bogatec), Factory-Art, Berlin (2010); 879 Colour, twochange Showroom, Stockholm (2009); Glimpse, Espiavisor (with Diego del Pozo Barriuso, Susanne Kirkuff and Cecilia Lundqvist), Barcelona (2008); Re-Action (curated by Helena Holmberg), Jönköpings Läns Museum (2006); Video Dia Loghi (curated by Branka Bencic), French Cultural Centre, Turin (2006).
Iaspis, Sweden
Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Iaspis' activities aim to enable professionals to develop artistically and improve their working conditions by establishing international contacts between practitioners and professionals such as curators and critics and others active in the field.