Ingela Johansson
Ingela Johansson is an artist who uses a variety of media including film, painting, installation, text and photography. Her research-based work borrows methods of investigative journalism and archival film to focus on ways in which different institutional models are structured and how power relations can be contested from within institutions.
Ingela has presented work in various exhibitions and screenings including: Silver Tongue, the Great Miners’ Strike 1969-70 ,ArkDes, Stockholm, 2020; Fragile Liberation, Södertälje Art Gallery, 2020; Andrei’s Maria, Moderna museet, 2019; Portable Landscapes, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, 2018, We can only achieve victory by guarding and guarding, Gerlesborgs Konsthall, 2017, Damage and loss, Alternativa, Gdansk, 2016. Her film Andrei’s Maria, which is a response to Tarkovsky’s, The Sacrifice is distributed by Filmform and her book, The art of the strike, voices on cultural and political work during and after the mining strike 1969-70 was published by Glänta in 2013.
Iaspis, Sweden
Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Iaspis' activities aim to enable professionals to develop artistically and improve their working conditions by establishing international contacts between practitioners and professionals such as curators and critics and others active in the field.