COVID–19: Support for Artists
After seeking input from Acme artist tenants early last year, we discovered that the majority of Acme artists anticipated income losses of 80-100% due to the Coronavirus (COVID–19) crisis as well as many unforeseen challenges to their artistic practices. From March to December 2020 and a second round in May 2021, we made funds available to support artists facing financial difficulties due to the crisis. The support is described in more detail below.
Acme continues to work proactively with artists who are struggling to make their rent payments due to the COVID-19 crisis. Please contact Ben Lawley, Rent Accounts Manager for further details.
Acme Hardship Fund
Acme's long-established hardship fund helps pay the studio rent of Acme artists who face exceptional financial difficulties due to changes in circumstances such as serious illness or accidents unrelated to COVID–19 to themselves or family members. Maximum six months' rent or £1,500 offset against artist's rent account.
Please contact Heather Deedman, Head of Artist Liaison for further details.
Artist Newsletter
Acme continues to collate a fortnightly bulletin of funded awards, commissions and opportunities for artists along with the latest government guidance on the Coronavirus.
Rent payment breaks
Acme's Rent Payment Break programme
Acme offered rent payment breaks of up to three months for all Acme artist tenants experiencing financial difficulty caused by the COVID–19 crisis. (closed Sep 2020)
COVID–19 Artist Rent Relief Fund
(now closed)
Acme's COVID–19 Artist Rent Relief Fund was intended for artists suffering financial hardship due to the COVID–19 crisis.
The fund supported 162 successful applicants to receive 50 per cent rent relief for a period of three months, which did not need to be repaid to Acme. (closed 1 Sep 2020)
Studio Practice Fund Round Two
(now closed)
Applications for the Studio Practice Fund Round Two are now closed
The intention of the studio practice fund is to help Acme artists continue their studio practice in the face of challenges brought about by COVID-19.
Artists could request an Acme studio rent free period of up to three months, with a maximum financial equivalent of £1000 per studio.
(closed May 2021)
The Studio Practice Fund round two was made possible because Acme has received funding from the Cultural Recovery Fund, provided by Arts Council England and DCMS. The fund will enable Acme to continue supporting artists and be #HereForCulture.
Studio Practice Fund Round One
(now closed)
Applications for the first round of the Studio Practice Fund closed in December 2020. The fund enabled Acme to support over 50 artists.
The first round of Acme’s Studio Practice Fund was funded through the Creative Workspace Resilience Fund. The Creative Workspace Resilience Fund is supported through the Mayor of London’s Culture at Risk Business Support Fund and the Creative Land Trust.